The Jamaica Co-Operatives Insurance Agency Limited (JCIA), formerly National Union of Co-Operative Insurance Services (NUCS- CIS), is a corporate insurance agency formed under The Co-Operatives Act, and is owned and operated by and mainly, for members of the Co-Operative Movement in Jamaica.

The Company presently operates from four locations island wide.

Head Office located on the grounds of the Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League
2-2A Manhattan Road Kingston 5.

8 Perth Road Mandeville
(inside COK Sodality Co-operative Credit Union’s office)

1 King Street, Montego Bay
(inside the C&WJ Co-operative Credit Union’s office)

Beadle’s Plaza Santa Cruz
(inside the C@WJ Co-operative Credit Union’s Office)

The Company presently has a staff complement of twenty- four experienced and dedicated individuals ready to serve our corporate and individual clients. The organization is managed by a 7-member Board of Directors and a Management Team of three with membership in:

  • National Union of Co-operative Society 
  • The Jamaica Insurance Agency Association 
  • The Jamaica Chamber of Commerce
  • Credit Union Managers Association
  • Caribbean Confederation of Credit Union

The Jamaica Co-operatives Insurance Agency Limited offers all classes of General Insurance as well as Group Life, Health & Personal Accident products. Our insurance partners are: